Government Resolutions
GR No. 202010071328123709 | 7th October 2020
Formation of committees/study groups
- Regarding formation of committee to suggest measures for making Maharashtra slum free.
GR No. 202009241128535509 | 22nd September 2020
Premium to be collected from Private Developer
- Guidelines for charging premium to private developers redeveloping slums on public land.
- Provision to pay the payable premium is instalments (10% after LOI accpetance but before issuance, 10% before getting CC for sale component and 80% before OC of sale component)
GR No. 202009181635545609 | 18th September 2020
Formation of committees/study groups
- To establish a study group who will determine whether all major cities except Mumbai, Pune and Pimprichinchwad, Nagpur, and ULBs of MMR, should have a Slum rehabilitation authority or not.
GR No. 201909111456514809 | 11th September 2019
- Policy regarding Not allotting other Home/ Tenement in Government Housing Scheme to any person who is already possessing a Home/ Tenement in any Govt. Housing Scheme in the state of Maharashtra.
- Option to return the previous dwelling unit back to the government in case the family wishes for a newer house in a new scheme or a bigger house being offered as part of new scheme.
- The family returning the houses shall be compensated by the respective authority at a price that is not lower than the proce at whch it was allotted to the family and neither as high as market rates. The valuation will be done by the respective authority.
GR No. 201809071447505209 | 7th September 2018
Paid rehabilitation
- To decide cost of Paid Rehab Tenements in Slum Rehabilitation Schemes.
- Valuation shall depend on construction cost, location specific varianace, infrastructure cost, fixed admin costs.
- beneficiary needs to pay before allotment happens.
- will be decided by CEO, SRA
- There is a separate division within SRA now that handles paid rehab cases end to end
GR No. 201805171456254409 | 16th May 2018
Eligibility criteria
- Policy for determining the structure is of 1.1.2011 or before and assure the rehabilitation of actual occupier.
GR No. 201801101703533309 | 10th January 2018
Formation of committees/study groups
- To Constitute a Committee to study impact analysis on ongoing and approved Slum Rehabilitation Projects for larger tenements
- Constitute a committe to prepare an Impact Analysis report on the approved and ongoing SR projects to review the possibility of increasing the unit size to 300 sq.ft from the current 269 sq.ft to integrate SRS and PMAY.
GR No. 201707271240593509 | 27th July 2017
- Slum Rehabilitation Authority, Mumbai- Acceptance of New Slum Rehabilitation Schemes proposals through online portal.
GR No. 201505161416273209 | 16th May 2015
Eligibility criteria
- Policy for determining the Structure is of 1.1.2000 or before and assure the rehabilitation of actual occupier
GR No. 201503091100506909 | 7th March 2015
Formation of committees/study groups
- Appointment of Chairman of High Power Committee -2 regarding complains of Slum Rehabilitation Schemes.
GR No. 201408141140273209 | 12th August 2014
Eligibility criteria
- Responsibilities of Slum Rehabitation Authority and compentent authority office regarding eligibility of slum dwellers.
GR No. 201407221419058609 | 22nd July 2014
Eligibility criteria
- Policy for determining the Structure is of 1.1.2000 or before and assure the rehabilitation of actual occupier
GR No. 20100702193011001 | 2nd July 2010
Premium to be collected from Private Developer
- Slum rehabilitation on public owned land
- Instalments to recover the premium from developer
GR No. 20090526130806001 | 26th May 2009
Premium to be collected from Private Developer
- Premium to be paid by the private developer for undertaking a slum rehabilitation project on public land
- 25% of ready reckoner of the land needed for sale component
GR No. 20080604171242001 | 4th June 2008
Eligibility criteria
- Precaution to be taken while issuing Annexure-II for the eligibility of Slum Dwellers.
GR No. 20080514174004001 | 14th May 2008
- Area of tenement 269 sq.ft. instead of 225 sq.ft. to be given — under Slum Rehabilitation Yojana
GR No. 20080604130219001 | 17th January 2008
Eligibility criteria
- Precaution to be taken while issuing Annexure-II for the eligibility of Slum Dwellers.
GR No. 20040813122655001 | 22nd June 2004
- Issuing photopass to slumdwellers who were absent during the survey for varied reasons.
- Can make an application to SRA with the required documentation proofs and their survey will be redone
GR No. 20040813164415001 | 3rd February 2004
- Issuing photopasses to the eligible slumdwellers who have been living in the slums before 1.1.1995
- In Mumbai BMC and MHADA will be responsible for the collection of ownership transfer fees and in other cities the land owning aency shall be responsible for the same
- The table mentions the fee structure for residential, commercial and mixed use cases. All of them are entitled to 225 sq.ft on payment of the basic fees and an additional charge per sq.ft for extra area required
GR No. 20040812125351001 | 27th October 2003
- Extension of SRS to Nagpur Municipal Corporation
GR No. 20040812124856001 | 3rd May 2003
- Photopass related
- Overriden by subsequent GRs
GR No. 20040813172355001 | 5th June 2002
- Regarding allowing slum hutments to build an additional floor
GR No. 20021102132651000 | 11th July 2001
- First GR declaring the scheme of issuing photopasses for the elgible slumdwellers
GR No. 20040812173542001 | 28th May 2001
- Declaring slums on private lands
- Allows a settlement of minimum 25 houses and maximum 25 on private land to be declared as a slum
- Settlements that are minimum 25 and bigger than 25 can be exceptional decisions taken by State government.
GR No. 20040812154256001 | 14th May 1998
Eligibility criteria
- Precaution to be taken while issuing Annexure-II for the eligibility of Slum Dwellers.
GR No. 20040812153007001 | 19th April 1997
- Regarding giving public lands on lease by the respective public authority for implementation of SRS scheme
GR No. 20040812150127001 | 6th July 1996
Eligibility criteria
- Responsibilities of Slum Rehabitation Authority and compentent authority office regarding eligibility of slum dwellers.
- Overridden by subsequent GRs
GR No. 20040812151449001 | 16th May 1996
Eligibility criteria
- Reagrding determining alegibility of slumdwellers for SRS